One of the simplest and money making business that one can anywhere most especially in this modern world of internet sharing is videography. Videography business can sustain one livelihood to the best standard.


When you became a videographer you can be a hotcake receiving calls from known and unknown places.


One very important thing with videography business is how the rapid it is in terms of knowing new people daily. Knowing new people creates connections. This means you will be connected with so many customers through customers most especially you offer quality service and good manner of approach.


Videography has many business channels as follows:


1.                       You will be offered contracts of video graphing  to different events like wedding, naming ceremonies, parties, organized competitions and quizzes, short movies, long movies and conferences and in some case you can also be awarded long term contract with TV stations.


2.                      With videography, you can be able to create YouTube channel and gradually producing fun videos and real life amazing events and upload into your YouTube channel just for monetization and be earning monthly money from the YouTube ads team.


YouTube uses quality content videos that attracts many viewers to watch your videos for YouTube to be able to post adverts into your video contents.


3.                      You can also be partner with movie makers or film produces and be earning sustainable income to maintain your livelihood happily.


4.                      You can also engage into producing quality videos about inspiring places of nature like waterfall, animal life, river or oceanic habitats and be uploading into your YouTube channel for increased monthly revenue.




1.                Learn how to use camera effectively.

2.                Learn the basic skills of videography.

3.                Learn the basic skills of film editing using computer. (Optional)

4.                If you doesn’t have basic video editing skills, find an expert and partner with so that you can work together anytime there is a contract job.

5.                Get a high resolution HD camera but with minimum price affordable for you because there are many cameras out there that are very expensive beyond starter.

6.                Get an averagely high capacity computer that can handle video editing efficiently.

7.                Get a shop as a business contact no matter how small or big it is, your quality work get you known everywhere.


Be notified that quality works get you connected instantly and have more returning clients frequently with network of customer to customer referral.
